Despite Covid 19 the Club continues to prosper on line with an exciting programme. Why not join us from the comfort of your home?
The Club meets on Monday evenings at 7pm on Zoom and all are welcome. Please email our Club Secretary for details.
Club speaker – Capt. Sean M Minton of the US Army and Rotary Peace Scholar.
Club Business Meeting.
Chris will be talking about the history of the Old Elizabethans Rugby Club and their new Sports kit.
No Meeting.
Peter O’Hare will talk about “Nature and Creative Therapies for mental health well being“.
The distinguished Journalist and long service Health Correspondent of the London Evening Standard Ross Lydall will talk about reporting the Covid 19 pandemic.
Our Clubs newest Member Rev Dr Martin Wellings will give us some spiritual guidance for the new year.
Laura Newberry from Baby Basics Barnet will talk about this Charity and what it is doing to support new Mothers in Barnet.