Club Projects

Christmas Day Lunch for elderly people of Barnet
This great Rotary Service project has been going on for over 30 years now. The Club contacts local organisations to gather up to 80 local residents who would be on their own at Christmas. We organise transport, entertainment and cook a delicious Christmas lunch. Everyone attending gets a present from Santa, and a visit from … Continued

Dementia Club – Barnet
In association with Dementia Club UK, the Rotary Club of Barnet will be running sessions at St. John’s Church (United Reformed), New Barnet, every second Monday of the month, 2pm to 4pm. Each session aims to provide you with professional advice and information, gentle exercise to music and fun activities in a social atmosphere with cups of … Continued

Rotary North London Disability Games
The Games are run each year by 11 Rotary Clubs in the North London area. Games from Boccia and Bowls to Darts and Table tennis take place with medals for the winners. The Games were inspired by the Paralympics in 2012 our 1st year. This great event draws together Rotary Clubs, local disabled people at … Continued

Tea & Tech
Tea & Tech (IT for Seniors) is community project run by the Rotary Club of Barnet at the newly reopened Hope Corner Community Centre, in Barnet. Designed to help retired and semi-retired people cope with key areas of new technology, a group of Rotarians and local volunteers assist residents to follow the specifically-designed custom instructions, moving … Continued