Despite Covid 19 the Club continues to prosper on line with an exciting programme. Why not join us from the comfort of your home?
The Club meets on Monday evenings at 7pm on Zoom and all are welcome. Please email our Club Secretary for details.

The Rotary Club of Barnet will again be setting up their stall and selling their famous homemade Mulled Wine and Mince Pies at the Barnet Christmas Fayre.
All proceeds raised will be in aid of The Rotary Club of Barnet’s Charitable activities.
The Fayre will start with ‘A Snow White Christmas’ carnival procession, and will then officially opened by The Mayor of Barnet.
Photos from last years Fayre:
The Club will be celebrating the life and work of Robert Burns.

The Rotary Club of Barnet is holding its annual Quiz & Supper Night on Saturday 13th May 2017 at Lyonsdown Hall, New Barnet.
Proceeds from the evening will be in aid of Rotary Club of Barnet’s charitable activities.
£12 per person including ‘fish & chip’ supper. Tables of eight (Maximum)
Only soft drinks available to purchase. You may however consume your own wine or beer on the premises.
Plastic glasses and cups will be available free of charge.

Have your blood pressure checked helps to prevent strokes and other problems from high blood pressure.
Know Your Blood Pressure Day at the Spires Shopping Centre in Chipping Barnet is between 10am and 4pm on Saturday 14th April 2018.
Free Blood pressure checks done by medical professionals, will be offered to shoppers under the direction of Barnet Rotarian and GP Dr Ian Johnston.
If you are in Barnet on the Saturday the 14th, please find time to drop in during the day and have your blood pressure taken!
This was the twelfth year that the Stroke Association has joined with Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland for this event to have blood pressure checks made.

The Rotary Club of Barnet will be holding its annual Quiz & Supper Night on Saturday 12th May 2017 at Lyonsdown Hall, New Barnet.
Proceeds from the evening will be in aid of Rotary Club of Barnet’s charitable activities.
£12 per person including ‘fish & chip’ supper. Tables of eight (Maximum)
Only soft drinks available to purchase. You may however consume your own wine or beer on the premises.
Plastic glasses and cups will be available free of charge.
Booking forms will be available nearer the time.
The new Mayor of the London Borough of Barnet will be talking to the Club about their upcoming year in office.
Guests welcome.
Saturday 27th October at 7pm
All proceeds will be donated to support the Multiple Sclerosis Society.
At Church House in Wood Street, Barnet.
Please let me know if you wish to come, if you would prefer to come but not take part, helpers always appreciated on the night!

Join us at the East Barnet Festival (EBF) on the 6th and 7th of July, where we will be selling plants. We will have a team of friendly Rotarians who would be happy to discuss what we do in helping the Community and the local charities. Our stall will be open between 12.00 and 5.30pm during both days.
EBF has become North London’s largest free Summer Festival. With plenty to see, do and enjoy, we hope to see you at this amazing event.

In the presence of the Worshipful the Mayor of the London Borough of Barnet and the Governor of District 1130.
The Rotary Club of Barnet invites you to celebrate our 90th Birthday and to raise money for Local Charity FIN (Friends in Need).
3 Course Dinner
Star of Spitting Image, TV and Stage
Steve Nallon
Monday 18th November
6pm for 6.15pm
Venue: Old Fold Golf Club, Old Fold Lane, Hadley Green, Barnet EN5 4QN.
Cost: £40 per person
Dress Code Lounge Suit (Rotary Regalia to be worn)
Cheques payable to Rotary Club of Barnet or by Bank Transfer to:
Account no. 21971323 Sort Code 51 61 34
Starter: Chicken Liver Pate OR Melon
Main: Stuffed Chicken in a White Wine Sauce OR Goat’s Cheese, Cherry Tomato and Red Onion Tart
Dessert: Profiteroles OR Fresh Fruit Salad
Enquiry Form
In the form below please give us your details and the list the names of those attending and indicate their menu choice: