Despite Covid 19 the Club continues to prosper on line with an exciting programme. Why not join us from the comfort of your home?
The Club meets on Monday evenings at 7pm on Zoom and all are welcome. Please email our Club Secretary for details.
Date: Thursday 19th sept 2013 at 6pm
Venue: Totteridge Millhillians Cricket Club
Cost: £7.50 Boeuf Bourguignon or £9.50 for Fish aNd ChiPs

For more information, please download the DisAbility Games leaflet.
Civic visit by the Mayor of the London Borough of Barnet.
The Club will be holding its Special General Meeting (S.G.M.) and Business Meeting.
The main items on the SGM agenda are:
- Receiving and approving the examined annual accounts for the year ended 30th June
- Electing by ballot of the members the President for the next year but one
- Electing the Secretary and Treasurer for the next Rotary year
- Electing two voting delegate to attend the ensuing Annual Conference of the Association
President Daniel will be updating the Club on the Rotary Goals that were set at the beginning on the year (July 2016).
Celebrating Rotarys Birthday