Despite Covid 19 the Club continues to prosper on line with an exciting programme. Why not join us from the comfort of your home?
The Club meets on Monday evenings at 7pm on Zoom and all are welcome. Please email our Club Secretary for details.
President Elect Demetri to preside.
All Rotarians, partners and Friends welcome.
Meet outside Barnet College at 2.30pm.
The walk will last for 30mins.
There will be a ‘folding’ collection in aid of Rotary Club funds.
We are having a BBQ (indoors if the weather is inclement)
on Saturday 5th September.
5.00pm onwards
Significant progress is being made with Nigeria being Polio free for 12 months but Polio will not be eradicated until there are ZERO cases in the world and until that time funds are still required.
Please come along and bring your friends and all make generous donations !!
The event is being registered with “The World’s greatest Meal to Help End Polio” and as such all contributions will be matched 200% by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation who are supporting Rotary to eradicate Polio.
Mike & Debbie Hodge
First Club Business Meeting of 2016.
The Rotary Club of Barnet presents its annual QUIZ & SUPPER NIGHT
£12 per head including ‘fish & chip’ supper
Only soft drinks available to purchase. You may however consume your own wine or beer on the premises.
Plastic glasses and cups will be available free of charge.
TABLES OF EIGHT ( Maximum ).
Please download the Quiz team booking form here.
Proceeds from the evening will be in aid of the Rotary Club of Barnet’s Charitable activities
Golf day includes bacon rolls, coffee, dinner and prize giving.
From 10.30 onwards. (Tee times will be confirmed)
The day will include: an auction and a raffle in aid of Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice.