Despite Covid 19 the Club continues to prosper on line with an exciting programme. Why not join us from the comfort of your home?
The Club meets on Monday evenings at 7pm on Zoom and all are welcome. Please email our Club Secretary for details.
Speaker – Rev Nigel Taylor Vicar of Christchurch, Barnet.
The Church currently has a one and half million appeal (they have raised half a million) to convert a building to “An open door centre“ to provide services including a food bank and day centre for the elderly.
Club speaker – Dr Sue Summers recently retired chair of Barnet Clinical Commissioning Group (Guests welcome).
Barnet CCG looks at:
- Understanding the health needs of the population
- Designing and redesigning services
- Buying the services
- Measuring the impact of services
SENSE will be talking to the club about their work in Barnet.
Sense is the leading national charity that supports and campaigns for children and adults who are deafblind. We provide free impartial advice and information as well as specialist services to deafblind people, their families, carers and the professionals who work with them. We also support people who have sensory impairments with additional disabilities.
Club speaker – David Bryne Principal of Barnet College (Guests welcome)
Ellen Smith from the Mary’s Meals Charity will be talking to the club (Guests welcome).
Mary’s Meals provides daily meals to chronically hungry children in a place of learning. In this way the hungry child is attracted to the classroom where they can gain a better future for themselves and their community.
Club members Owen Gates and Champak Mistry will be talking to the club about their work on the Indian Eye Clinic project (Guests welcome).
Mary Karaolis OBE will be speaking to the Club on the background, progress and future of the new St Andrews the Apostle Greek Orthodox Free School, now open in Barnet. Guests are welcome.
Once again the Club is organising Stroke Awareness Day at the Spires Shopping Centre in Chipping Barnet between 10am and 4pm on Saturday 5th April
Free Blood pressure checks done by medical professionals, will be offered to shoppers under the direction of Barnet Rotarian and GP Dr Ian Johnston.
So if you are in Barnet on the 5th, please find time to drop in during the day and have your blood pressure taken!
This was the eleventh year that the Stroke Association has joined with Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland for this event to have blood pressure checks made.