Barnet Rotary Club Supports Noah’s Ark Childrens Hospice

Cheque being presented by Saiful Shamsad to Noah's Ark Childrens Hospice
Photo shows cheque being presented by Saiful Shamsad (President of Barnet Rotary Club) to Ted Gladdish (Chief Executive of Noah’s Ark Childrens Hospice).

Barnet Rotary Club President Saiful Shamsad handed over a cheque for £1000 on Monday evening to Ted Gladdish the Chief Executive of Noah’s Ark Childrens Hospice. The money was raised by Barnet Rotarians at their Annual Dinner Dance held a couple of months ago.

President Saiful said “Barnet Rotary Club is delighted to contine its’ financial support of Noah’s Ark espercially as the bulding works are about to commence on the permanent home for the Hospice in Byng Road less than a mile from where our Club meets”.

“Noah’s Ark already provides services for life – limited children and their families  across several North London Boroughs and we were delighted to hear from Ted Gladdish, the Chief Executive of the exiting building plans as well as the concerns that the Charity needs continuing funds to meet the increasing needs of local families”.

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