Councillor David Longstaff updates the Club on local issues

Councillor David Longstaff , the Deputy Leader of Barnet Council was the guest speaker at the Monday 23rd September meeting of Barnet Rotary Club.

Councillor Longstaff, a past Mayor of Barnet and a Ward Councillor for High Barnet where the Clubs Home The Old Fold Golf Club is situated has been Deputy Leader of the Council since May. He also chairs the Committee the Education, Childrens and Safeguarding Committee.

Members were keen to hear about various issues including local Planning matters Whalebone Farm and High Barnet tube Station as well as wider matters of Council Policy. There was particular pleasure when Councillor Longstaff said he had tried to eliminate the Council use of the word “Customer” when they really meant resident as Customer implies you can take your custom elsewhere!

The photo shows Cllr Longstaff and Club President Colin deep in discussion.