Rotary Foundation Month

November is “Rotary Foundation month” in the Rotary calendar.

The Rotary Foundation supports projects all over the world that in the main are initiated by Rotary Clubs in distant countries.

QUESTION: How much Rotary Foundation financial support has been provided to projects involving Rotarians and Rotary Clubs based in RIBI?

ANSWER: During 2013-14, clubs/districts in the UK were awarded in excess of $7 million in district and global grants. These figures are the total funding (World Fund, DDF and sponsor contributions) and include all grants awarded (e.g. where clubs/districts are both the host and international sponsors.)

You have had the opportunity over the years of meeting many Foundation Scholars studying in London –everyone that we have supported will make a difference in this world using their skills and education to the benefit of humanity.

The very special Rotary Peace Fellows are extremely focussed and committed individuals, supported 100% by the Rotary Foundation.

Clubs in D1130 have had support for projects in Uganda (education, water & sanitation), Mali (education literature), Italy (training project for orphanage), India (Maternal Health; eye camps, solar lighting), etc.

RC Barnet has received Foundation Grants for Eye Camps, Disability Games and benches in the community.

Rotary Foundation enables Rotarians to “Do Good in the World”.

Can you afford not to support the Rotary Foundation? Please consider becoming a Sustaining Member or making an occasional personal donation.